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9 left-wing MPs have just been elected
Join the alternative based on the politics of hope

We don’t have to accept a race to the bottom between Labour and the Tories. Join and donate now to build our movement.

Against all the odds, 9 left-wing MPs have been elected: 4 Green MPs, Jeremy Corbyn and 4 other pro-Palestine independent MPs.

Many were despairing about this election and feeling politically homeless, but our movement has helped turn it all around. By voting for socialist, pro-Palestinian candidates, voters have sent a clear message on Gaza, the climate and on austerity, privatisation and inequality.

Starmer’s Labour has won fewer votes in this election than Labour won under Jeremy Corbyn in 2019 and 3 million less votes than Corbyn won in 2017. Labour has won the election by default because of the collapse in the Tories’ vote, not because of enthusiasm for Starmer or his Tory-lite policies. They’re taking power as the most unpopular incoming Government in UK political history, with the lowest vote share won by any single party majority government.

These unprecedented election results are the beginning of a new electoral left-wing movement. We’re going to be targeting a huge raft of seats at the next election. Sign up to We Deserve Better (above) and donate now to help build the alternative based on the politics of hope.

Labour wants you to think there is no alternative, but there is. The Greens have won a historic four seats, Labour was trounced by Jeremy Corbyn and several other independents have unseated Labour bigwigs or come close to doing so and if we start organising now, we can win those seats and many more at the next election. Join and donate to help build this movement.

It’s unprecedented for an opposition party entering government to have several of its leading politicians unseated, and to actively be losing votes across the country. Two Labour Shadow Cabinet members have been unseated - Thangam Debbonaire and Jonathan Ashworth - and we came within 500 odd votes of unseating Wes Streeting and electing Leanne Mohamad.

We’re the underdogs in our First Past the Post system and, previously, there was only 1 Green MP and independent candidates were almost never elected outside of by-elections. Independents and Greens were at a further disadvantage in this snap election because they had less time to set up their campaigns.

Faiza Shaheen won only 79 votes less than Labour’s candidate who was parachuted in after Starmer purged Faiza as the Labour candidate.

In many seats, Labour just held on but haemorrhaged votes such as in Bethnal Green and Stepney, where Labour’s Rushanara Ali lost about 16,000 votes. This is the kind of seat we can win at the next election if we start organising now.

We’re drawing up key target seats based on the election results - sign up (above) and donate now to be part of our movement.

If we don’t act, we’re showing Labour they can ignore us and continue to lurch further to the right without any accountability. Sign up (above) and donate now to help build the alternative.